Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter Book 7 - Warning contains Spoilers!!

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows -
The seventh book in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

On 21st July, a minute past Midnight (0:01) (BST) the book was released in 93 countries around the globe.The books initial print run was an astounding 12 million copies.
The book shows how the evil Dark Lord Voldemort aka. You - know - who rises in power and succeeds in getting a control over the Ministry of Magic. It also shows how Harry and his best friends Ron and Hermione skip going to Hogwarts school for their 7th and final year and go on a mission which Albus Dumbledore gives them which includes destroying the Horcruxes created by Voldemort. Along the journey they come to know about the Deathly Hallows - a trio of magical artifacts created long ago by three brothers: the Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone, and Invisibility Cloak. The Myth said that the person who holds all the three magical artifacts will be the "Master of Death".
The story moves at a exciting pace with action at every stage in the journey of the Boy who lived. This book has the most named casualties of any book in the series.


Q) How did Albus Dumbledore defeat the owner of the Elder wand (Grindelwald) in a duel? Isn’t it stated that the wand will always win duels for its owner? Dumbledore himself says that he was only slightly better than the other at dueling...
A) Actually. If you had read the book properly, you would know. Grindelwald had just stolen the wand from Gregorvich. He hadn't won it from him either by force or by a duel. He had just stolen the wand from him. So, it must be either the one little bit Dumbledore added at the end...that he was slightly stronger than the other at dueling.It is also possible that Dumbledore beat Grindelwald using his powers of persuasion and logic along with his dueling abilities. Dumbledore himself says that he was only slightly better than the other at dueling.The Elder Wand is only much more powerful than other wands it doesn’t win every Duel & it hasn’t been mentioned in the book. If the wand won every Duel then it wouldn’t have passed through so many hands! Dumbledore says himself he was better skilled than Grindelwald.

Q) How did Neville get Gryffindor’s sword? Wasn’t it with Griphook? Didn’t Griphook die in the Lestranges' vault? So that must mean the sword should have either been lost with the gold, or must have been recovered by death eaters...
A) Griphook didn’t die in Lestrange's vault. He merely ran away with the sword. It was Godric's sword after all. Maybe he had placed some charm on it so that when a true Gryffindor needs help he can pull it out of his hat.
Another possible explanation is:
How did Harry get the Sword in the second book? If the hat had the power to summon the Sword from wherever it was previously to the Chamber of Secrets, then it definitely had the power to do the same again for Neville. And Griphook didn't die in the vault. He ran to the safety of the other goblins with the Sword.
Anyone Loyal to Godric Griffindor & his house can pull the Sword out of the HAT. Its a connection b/w the Sword & the HAT, since both were Godric Griffindor's possessions.

Q) In one of the Chapters in Harry potter and the Half blood prince, Dumbledore tells Harry that the snake cant be a horcrux or rather it is unadvisable and dangerous to put a part of your soul into something which is living and has its own mind. Then how could the snake become a horcrux again, is what I’m unable to figure out…if Nagini is a horcrux...then the total mounts to eight...whereas in the 6th book Dumbledore says that Voldemort has made 7 horcruxes...Isn’t seven the magical no.?
A) Aye, but finally we come to know that there are 8 horcruxes!!
See Dumbledore knew that Harry was a horcrux...He didn’t want to tell Harry about in until the end. So according to his counting there were already 7 horcruxes including Harry...So he had doubts about Nagini being a Horcrux...
On the other hand Voldemort was of the notion that he had made just 7 horcruxes! But rather on the day when he tried killing Harry he accidentally made Harry his horcrux! Which Dumbledore knew, not Voldemort!
So For Dumbledore the 7 horcruxes were:
Tom Riddle’s Diary.
Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring (Which contained the resurrection stone).
Salazar Slytherin’s Locket.
Helga Hufflepuff’s Cup.
Rowena Ravenclaw’s Daidem.
Harry Potter.
And finally the last and the eight Piece of his soul would be Voldemort Himself!
So that’s it...he split his soul into 8 parts! Unknowingly though

Whereas for Voldemort the seven Horcruxes were:
Tom Riddle’s Diary.
Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring (Which contained the resurrection stone).
Salazar Slytherin’s Locket.
Helga Hufflepuff’s Cup.
Rowena Ravenclaw’s Daidem.
And finally the last and the eight Piece of his soul would be Voldemort Himself!

But we see that there are eight horcruxes in the end
Tom Riddle’s Diary.
Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring (Which contained the resurrection stone).
Salazar Slytherin’s Locket.
Helga Hufflepuff’s Cup.
Rowena Ravenclaw’s Daidem.
Harry Potter.
And finally the last and the eight Piece of his soul would be Voldemort Himself!
So that’s it...he split his soul into 8 parts!

Q) If the invisibility cloak is supposed to even shield the owner from attacks and stuff, how come Malfoy got him on the train with a spell (Petrificus totalus) while he was wearing it the previous year?
A) The shielding part isn't to be taken literally. It shields the owner by making him invisible. If someone can't see you, then how can they attack you? That was what was meant by the shielding effect. And in the previous book on the train, Harry left enough clues for Draco to figure out easily that he was in their compartment under the invisibility cloak.
~Q) Then why didn’t the ACCIO CLOAK work when Harry and his friends were in Hogsmede and the Death eaters were searching for them?
A) It might be the fact that Harry hand gripped the cloak tightly so that it doesn’t fly away.

Q) What was aunt Petunia going to tell Harry before she left?
A) Aunt Petunia was probably going to tell her that she truly cared for Lily when they were little and that she begged Dumbledore that she wanted to go to Hogwarts too.
Or maybe she just wanted to thank Harry for saving Dudders life.
We may never find out what Petunia was going to say, but if you are a competent reader you should know that it was a moment that the Author was trying to create
To show that both were related yet lost for words at the parting.

Q) Where are the Dursleys?
A) The Dursleys were under protection of the Order. They probably returned to their normal lives after the war... Why ever would Harry want to go back to them?

Q) What happens to Umbridge?
As for Umbridge, The dementors might have administered the kiss on her (hopefully)... seeing that there was no patronus to protect her anymore.

Q) This "cousin Victoire"... Who is she?
A) Victoire I presume is the daughter of Bill Weasley and Fleur... That is certainly a French name and since Ginny said that hopefully Ted would marry her and become a part of the family... meaning Victoire is Ginny's niece.

Q) If Harry’s wand contained the power of his courage and Voldemort's skill, how come it wasn’t effective while fighting Nagini?
A) Nagini was a horcrux... A horcrux can only be destroyed by certain items like the basilisk fang or the sword (impregnated with Basilisk poison) or a fire called Friendfyre. A wand can’t destroy it.
Or maybe because Harry's wand was a twin with Voldemort's wand. which is why this affected only Voldemort. It did not do anything against Draco in HBP either.

Q) why on earth did Harry not try to summon Snape's spirit (or ghost) using the Resurrection stone?? That was really sad... Snape has done more for Harry than any of the marauders..
A) The resurrection stone cannot truly bring people back from the dead. It only showed him the people most close to his heart... After loathing Snape forever his feelings couldn’t be changed overnight. At least he named his son Albus Severus after Snape.
Snape didn't have that emotional connection with Harry the way the marauders had
Snape did everything just because Dumbledore requested him to protect Lily's son...that way if you go to see all the marauders laid down their lives protecting Harry. Even Wormtail in a sense.

Q) Where was Moody's body? Only his eye was found...
A) Well, probably found by the Death Eaters
The Death Eaters had probably transfigured it into something small and had buried it.

Q) Did Harry’s firebolt also get destroyed when he blasted the side car?
A) Probably.

Q) What about the future of the Wizarding world? Do they modify all involved muggle's memories, or do they move out into the open?
A) The muggles are still unaware of magic... Nowhere is it mentioned that they see what is happening... There is no need to modify their minds

Q) What about the elf and goblin rights? Does someone finally change the law for them? Or does Hermione continue with SPEW? Where do Harry and Ron work 19 yrs later? Aurors?
A) I suspect Ron and Harry become Private Aurors; Hermione goes into magical law dept. and enforces some new laws (particularly for house-elves).

Q) Who is Fabian whose watch was given as a present to Harry on his 17th birthday by Molly and Arthur Weasley?
A) Fabian is the brother of Gideon. They were murdered by Dolohov. They both are Molly’s brothers... They died in the first war... You know before Harry was was his watch that Molly and Arthur give Harry for his 17th birthday... Molly says...” It isn’t a first hand like Ron’s but it was m' bro’s... He did exactly keep it in top notch condition.

~!~ Voldemort actually killed himself. Harry did nothing!! The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord, indeed! Stupid git keeps killing himself with his own curses!! Harry was about useful in Killing Voldemort as a flobberworm was in the birth of a dragon.

~*~ So u expected him to kill Voldemort with Expelliarmus? He has never learnt to was supposed to be this way...n when its about voldemort and Harry its not that usual battle of skills...its a battle of consciences...and Harry makes voldemort "conscious"...its a battle of minds...there's plenty of wand battles out there in the book...
Harry was useful; he got rid of the horcruxes in utter secrecy.
Only Harry could cause the spell to reflect. I doubt that any other wizard could have killed voldemort in one-one duel.
Plus he did damage to Voldemort's ego, a 17 year kid triumphs over an accomplished dark wizard sends a clear message of LOVE triumph over EVIL.
It was indeed an "unusual" power that finished voldemort in an "unusual" way.

~!~ I'll say book is good since JKR had planned it so long back...But some things are too simple and rather look dumb.
1) Hermione getting Horocrux books by just summoning it from Dumbledore's library.
2) Wasn’t it so simple and dumb to say Ron just imitated Harry speaking Parseltongue!
3) 12 feet long snake in 5-6 feet body of a lady and then it can walk, talk and point too!!!
4) She dint even tell what was Dudley’s worst memory. Even if they are out of the book!
5) What is importantly more about Aunt Petunia than meets the eyes?
6) Some non magical person was supposed to do magic in critical situations!!

~*~2) Maybe the answer is if Dumbledore could speak Mermish(screeches), I believe Parseltongue (hisses) can be learnt just like Mermish.
I think it can be. But that won’t be as effective as Harry's or Voldemort's. You think Dumbledore understood parseltongue? In book 6 when he's showing Harry memory of Marvolo Gaunt, he didn’t ask Harry for translation.

~*~3) If the people of the Order who had come to rescue Harry could all turn into Harry why can’t a 12feet long snake turn into a old lady?!

~!~ If the snake can take a human form , have a human throat, and Voldemort’s intelligence and memories it should be able to speak English.

~*~ Maybe the Memory bit was missing. Even Dumbledore had stated in book 6 that it is dangerous to implant a part of your soul in a living body having its own mind…So probably it doesn’t have Voldemort’s memories or intelligence.

Q) How did Malfoy become the Master of the Elder wand?
A) Malfoy was the one who disarmed Dumbledore and took his wand from him against his wish and that was the last spell performed when Dumbledore had his wand! So Malfoy's the master!
And then Harry defeated Draco, so Harry became the master of the Elder wand!!!
Malfoy became the owner of the elder wand because he was the one who last used a spell against Dumbledore.
However, the wand was still with the body of Dumbledore.
So Malfoy continued using his own, being the master of two wands.
So when Harry defeated Draco and took his wand, automatically Draco's other wand (the elder wand) also belonged to him.

Q) What did Dumbledore see in the Mirror of Erised?
A) Dumbledore sees all his family members inside the Mirror of Erised...
I think he sees that Grindelwald was the one who actually cast the spell that killed his sister...

Q) And how the hell did Ted Tonks mend Harry's bones and tooth when he was a muggle!!!!
A) Ted Tonks isn't a muggle, but a muggle-born wizard. See the chapter in OOTP where Tonks helps Harry packing, she says: “My dad's a muggle-born".

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