Friday, April 6, 2007

Emma Watson

Emma Watson!

Undoubtley one of the most renowned personality.

Famous for her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter movies.
Over the years she has transformed into a teen idol.

ThAnK GoD ShE's GoNa Be there IN the LAst Two MovieS!!
Here are some pictures of Emma Watson.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Harry potter and the Half blood prince - Chapter 26 - RAB's prespective

Wind howled through the night, carrying a scent of its own. A lone figure stood on a high outcrop of a dark rock, water foaming and churning below him. Prophecies of revenge sprinted to and fro in his mind. He clenched his hands and glared at the sky. The cold stars stared back, unwinking, other-worldly watchers. A towering cliff stood there, a sheet drop, black and faceless. A large rock stood there bearing the undaunted fury of the waves. A silvery cloud drifted over the mountains and a faint light cast from the harvest moon onto the ground which was like sunshine for him at the very moment. It illuminated the barren ground devoid of life – no trees, grass or even sand….

I cocked my head, listening, all was quiet. I saw my reflection in the water below as it clenched its fist. It is my decision though it seems absurd. If I had know about the horcruxes earlier…life would have been different. However I was weak…reckless…seeking solace under a supreme master…I wasted my time, now time wastes me.

I have an opportunity to change the future…though it doesn’t seem to be useful to me. Well perhaps my mood that made it like that-Five things are bothering me, For a start the dull ache that comes with every step I take….second is the weather, enough said. Third, I had a great fear that master won’t leave his horcruxes unprotected. Fourth, that – Was I doing the right thing going against the greatest wizard of all time. Fifth- The amulet…by all accounts I have to get to it first and without anyone knowing about it. I closed my eyes and prayed……….

He moved to the very edge of the rock where a series of jagged niches that made footholds led down to boulders that lay half-submerged in water and were closer to the cliff. It was a treacherous descent. He moved slowly and cautiously…

Darn it! There isn’t enough light here. Lumos!....A thousand flecks of golden light shot out from his wand and sparkled upon the dark surface of water a few feet below. Ah! It’s better now. His pupils relaxed…he could see clearly now.

There was a fissure ahead in the cliff into which dark water was swirling. Water wont stop me today…….and then with great agility he slid from the boulder landed in the sea and begun to swim towards the dark slit in the rock face, his lit wand held in his teeth.

I wish a Dragon would warm me with his fire breath, this water is really cold. The water was indeed icy………

The fissure soon opened into a dark tunnel which he could tell would be filled with water at high tide. The slimy walls were less than three feet apart and glimmered like wet tar in the light that shone from his wand. A little way ahead the passageway curved to the left, it extended far into the cliff. He got out of the water, his hair and robes gleaming. Ah! There it is the steps that lead into the cave! I have waited for this too long….like my brother Sirius I should have chosen the right path…my death is’s better to die in honor than in cowardice….

He clambered up the steps, water streaming from his soaking clothes and his body shivering due to the freezing wind. He pointed the wand at his robes and they felt warm and dry as if they were in front of a blazing fire. He turned slowly on the spot examining the walls and ceiling. Yes this has to be the place. It seems he didn’t mind anyone entering the cave, I suppose the enchantments are on the inside. He approached to the wall of the cave and caressed it with his finger tips, murmuring words in strange language. He tried every other dark magic he had a control on.

Its got to be here somewhere, a door, a chamber…come to me….ah here it is! His hand pressed flat against the wall. The entrance was here though it was concealed.

The entrance…. Yes it’s His creation…it is quite familiar…Enemy must weaken himself or herself to enter, Physical Injury…But my determination won’t be subdued by such trivial things.

Shaking back the sleeve of his robes and exposing his forearm. He conjured a small knife out of thin air and cut through is arm. A spurt of scarlet blood peppered on the rock face. He moved his wand over his wound – It healed. A silver outline of an arch had appeared on the wall, the blood splattered rock within it simply vanished leaving an opening into what seemed to be total darkness.

He ignited the light on his wand again. As he walked through the archway, he met with an eerie sight; he was standing on the edge of a great black lake, so vast that he could not make out the distant banks, in a cavern so high that the ceiling too was out of sight. A misty greenish shone far away in the completely still water below. The greenish glow and the golden light from his wand were the only things that broke otherwise velvety blackness, though the rays didn’t penetrate very far. The darkness was somehow denser than normal darkness.

He set off around the edge of the lake his footsteps echoing along with the slapping sounds on the narrow rim of the rock that surrounded the water. As he walked on, he saw that on one side of him lay the rough cavern wall, on the other the wide expanse of smooth glassy blackness with a mysterious green glow.

How the hell am I supposed to find it….Accio Horcrux! With a loud noise as if an explosion took place, something very large and pale erupted from the dark water few feet away. It vanished with a crashing splash that made great ripples on the mirrored surface. He leapt backwards in shock, his heart pounding.

I am foolish, how can He let go his Horcrux so easily! A shiver went through his body as he imagined the creature that had come out of the water and vanished with inhuman speed.

I suppose I would have to reach the small misty green light at the centre of the lake. There must be a way……

He sensed himself growing more and more impatient. Frustration gripping his minds…he remembered his past – sight of people getting tortured, killed …..He knew he was inviting his death by doing this.

There has to be some sort of enchantment which He would have placed so that he will be able to get his Horcrux when need comes. Aha! I think I have found the place. Yes…. yes I should have guessed. His hands closed in midair around something. He moved closer to the water. Keeping his hands clenched in mid air and raised his wand with other and tapped his fist with the point.

Immediately a thick coppery green chain appeared out of thin air, extending from the depths of the dark water into his clenched hand. He tried pulling the chain, but it won’t budge. Then he tapped the chain, which began to slide through his fist like snake coiling itself on the ground with a clicking sound that reverberated against the rocky walls, pulling something from the depths of the dark water surface below.

He saw a ghostly prow of a tiny boat appear slowly at the surface of water glowing as green as the chain.

He thought- Magic always leaves traces.

It was clear to him that this boat was the means to reach the small island in the centre of the lake. But one thing was bothering him now…is this boat safe?

Voldemort would have to create a means to cross the lake without attracting the wrath of the vile creatures he had placed, if in any case he wanted to visit and remove his Horcrux…he thought...

This is dark magic, I know it. He glanced at the boat, it was really small; just enough for a person. He had a doubt in his mind…whether this boat can hold the weight…

He climbed into the boat, coiled the chain. The boat began to move at once. No sound, other than the silken rustle of the boats prow cleaving the water it moved without help, as though an invisible rope was pulling it towards the centre. He saw the reflection of his illuminated wand in the dark water...

A sick feeling rose in his throat as he saw a mantle-white, floating below the surface of water.

He had suspected something like this. He knew if he made a mistake he would not be alone in this cave. Every thing has a flaw. These creatures that lay below the water surface - the inferni, hated LIGHT….Don’t curse the darkness-light a candle.

The greenish light looked much brighter when viewed close to. There was a stone basin set on top of a pedestal. He climbed out of the boat. Glancing back he saw the boat stood still as the water surrounding it.

He approached the basin. The basin was full of emerald liquid emitting phosphorescent glow. He pushed the sleeve back and stretched his fingers towards the surface of the potion. He could not touch the liquid. As if an invisible barrier- rock solid-was preventing him from going any closer to the liquid. He tried all the dark spells he knew, some complicated, some dangerous…but the potion only glowed a little more without showing any other signs.

Wondered….his head spinning…LIQUID…LIQUID…then it dawned upon him. Maybe the liquid had to be drunk in order to receive the Horcrux within. He knew it had to be in there…he sensed he was close.

Raising his wand in the air he twirled it once in midair then caught the crystal goblet that he conjured out of nowhere. This potion won’t kill me immediately I know…He had a knack of killing people slowly, enjoying pain. I suppose this potion won’t affect me much. He has made this potion so that a mind which is toward righteousness will suffer death whereas a dark mind would only feel pain. Yes pain, but bearable.

But he feared- now that he had turned away from evil.

He slowly filled the goblet in his hand with the liquid in the basin. Images of his past life flashed through his mind- Blood, pain, anger, revenge, murder….as he lifted it to his mouth and he drained the goblet. He shook his head….he filled the goblet again, drank once more, in silence he drank goblet after goblet full of liquid. His body started aching…pain creped in his head…he felt as though someone was pounding his head with a crowbar. His throat burned. He needed water. His face was white, fear reflecting from his eyes. He emptied the last bit of liquid in the basin to the goblet and drank, as the last drop touched his mouth he collapsed as though his soul has just left his body.

Silence amidst dense darkness. The cave was as it was when he had entered though the glow from the centre had dimmed and a golden light reflected from the basin.

His mind cleared. He was weak, weaker and helpless like a new born baby. But he knew he had succeeded.

He mustered all his strength that he derived from the hope that was within him. His throat still burned. He desperately needed water.

He tried to control his pain with his mind.

Mind is powerful.

His wand laid a few paces ahead of him. Crawling towards it he clenched it in his hands. Turning around he crawled towards the basin. Clambered himself to a standing position. His knees were weak, arms heavy and his palms were sweating profusely. He saw the amulet resting in the basin. A snake carved on it. Satisfaction glowed on his face. There it is- the Slytherin’s amulet-the Horcrux.

He rummaged inside his side pockets till he found something. It was yet another amulet though it didn’t glow as the Horcrux. He opened it. A note dropped in his hands.

To the dark lord

I know I will be dead long before u read this…….

He had read this hundreds of time. It seemed so wonderful to him to that his hard work had eventually been useful. He quickly exchanged the Horcrux with his fake amulet. As he did he heard some movement all around in the water surrounding the small island. He heaved a sigh of relief.

His mind was full of joy this diverted his mind from the searing pain that was still in his throat. Moving towards the boat he slowly climbed into it. As he did, his feet skimmed the water surface. A hand suddenly emerged from the water and as he looked around hundreds of hands started emerging from the dark water. The inferni had awakened.

To err is human…he had done a mistake. The boat moved slowly but rocked madly as the creatures emerged from the water. He muttered something and flashed his wand around which created a ring of flame around him. The inferni backed away, colliding with each other.

The boat reached the bank with a little bump. He climbed out as fast as he can. The moment he reached to the bank he lowered his wand and the ring of fire vanished. The inferni once again advanced towards him. The little boat sank into the water clanking and tinkling along with its chain. He leaned against the cavern wall. This isn’t over yet.

His body ached from exertion. But his face glowed as if he has seen heaven. Dragging his feet he moved towards the archway which had sealed itself again. He procured a knife in thin air as he had done earlier and slashed his hand. A cut appeared on his forearm spurting out scarlet blood. Pain shot in his body.

Pain is good.

He wiped his blood on the archway and it reopened instantly. He crossed the dark cave back into the icy water that filled the crevice in the cliff. His mind was free. He hoped his contribution might help someone in the future…

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Greatness lies in how you wear your pants

Here's a little history about pants

Before middle ages everyone wore skirts
with the invention of sharper weapons the need to protect legs came about so tight fitting armor was invented.

it was this that disallowed women from wearing pants because pants symbolized the knights.

for years after that all pants worn were tight
somehow mens got baggier and baggier and women started wearing tight pants

From then trends of pants have changed a lot
today you see people with pants are hanging off their hips ,sort of low-rise pants that introduce strangers to your pubic hair, and it seems as if it's getting harder and harder to find any sort of middle ground.
low-waist and ultra low-waist
I agree about low-waist - DECENT ENOUGH
but Ultra low waist - I am sick of seeing people's butt cracks. So not attractive.
imagine you miss your bus..well not miss exactly its like 20 meters away from you.
Either you have to run and try getting in the bus or take a cab which would cost you a lot of cash and you have your wallet empty..

and unfortunately you are wearing ultra low waist pants..:P

imagine the person running..
holding his pants..which have already given themselves up to the force of gravity..

- Jasti ,all credits to you for this reality..
The fact is the more your pant is low .. more you are noticed..

People wearing butt tight pants ..high above the waist - Nerdy types..
then there are the low waist people - reserved types

and then Jasti...(Super low) - The dude!

a picture coming up soon..-----

Lets understand this..why do people choose to wear your pants so low that we get full view of your yellow print underpants? What's their thinking — logic?"
Some say its comfortable that way
Then why do they keep pulling and tugging at them every few minutes..
others say the more uncomfortable they are the more cooler and trendy - so why dont you wear your 3 year old brothers would be super uncomfortable..thats more cooler and trendier!
-Then the reply- I have been wearing it since it doesnt seem uncomfortable to me
well the i guess even their mother dressed them in low waist pants..NO..she dressed them in cute little pants that came up to your waist.This type they started to wear only few days back..
The same reply - They look cooler.
exactly what does it mean to be 'cool'?
Being cool is being different — Different from the crowd
Different in what sense?Still look the same as other guys do.
Different than older people..Old guys..
so someone who wears his pants around his waist — even tucks his shirt in most of the time. Is there something bad about that?
No ..
If there's nothing bad about wearing pants around your waist, then theres something bad about wearing them way below your hips So like it means that being bad is cool.
Its the trend among people nowadays thats true.But why is it so trendy?Do girls like em?
well maybe..never thought about it..

Historically, prisoners have their belts taken away from them, for two reasons. One, so they don't hang themselves with it. And two, so they can't escape. A man can't run very far, very fast, holding up his pants. Is that where this trend came from - trying to look like — a prison inmate
Obviously Not!

you want to tell the people that you are so dumb that you cant even pull your pants and fasten a belt
You are Brave...cause you dare to wear them so low..
You are cool?
some preety girls gonna come up to you ..just because you wear super low pants ..showing your butts!
Where is this kinda look getting you in your life?